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The EmuTOS operating system aims to be a superset of the original Atari TOS. Like Atari TOS, it is single-user, single-tasking (with limited cooperative multitasking via desk accessories). It is available in many configurations, including those for 192KB, 256KB, and 512KB ROMs, which are suitable as drop-in replacements for TOS in various Atari systems. It still lacks a few features of Falcon TOS, including 3D desktop icons (3D objects used by applications are supported). We do expect to implement the missing functionality in future releases.

However, it already surpasses TOS in some areas, by providing:

  • a built-in hard disk driver
  • a built-in command-line interface (EmuCON2), somewhat like the DOS command line (except in 192k ROMs due to size restrictions)
  • support for twelve languages in addition to English
  • a desktop (EmuDesk) with TOS2-like features (except in the cartridge variant due to size restrictions)

EmuTOS does not yet support all of the hardware on original Atari systems. The following is a list of currently unsupported hardware:

  • 16-bit modes of Falcon Videl

All other standard Atari hardware is supported, including serial ports (excluding flow control), the parallel port, and MIDI. In addition, EmuTOS has built-in support for the following hardware, depending on the selected configuration:

  • CPU: Motorola m68020, m68040, m68060; Apollo 68080; ColdFire V4e
  • FPU: built-in FPU on m68040/m68060
  • Some third-party add-on memory cards, including Magnum, MonSTer
  • Nova graphics adapter
  • Many third-party Real Time Clocks

For a list of compatible emulators, see the Links page.